A little tidbit from a work-in-progress I'm working on.
The light filtered through the room, falling across Mary Edembaum’s face as she stretched languidly. Her left fist accidentally connected with her boyfriend’s nose. He stirred, rubbed the offended organ, and quickly caught her wrists between his hands. A startled cry burst from her lips as Jason flung her onto her back and pressed himself against her. She squirmed beneath him as she tried to pull herself free.
The light filtered through the room, falling across Mary Edembaum’s face as she stretched languidly. Her left fist accidentally connected with her boyfriend’s nose. He stirred, rubbed the offended organ, and quickly caught her wrists between his hands. A startled cry burst from her lips as Jason flung her onto her back and pressed himself against her. She squirmed beneath him as she tried to pull herself free.